Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Coosan Point

At the north end of the town, on the shores of Lough Ree is a great little spot. Coosan Point is a great place to launch your fishing boat, play in the playground, stop for a bite of lunch, or stroll along a walking path. They have gone to great lengths to make the path easy, educational and enjoyable. There are a number of  'stations' set up at you wind your way around.

There is a large chalk board and benches, further down and along the shore line is an easel.  They even have a lover's lock area, which we intend to return to soon - with a lock!

There is also a free book library, places to sit, read and enjoy the solitude.  It's also a bird and wildlife sanctuary.  It's a delightful little place to zen-out, take a few minutes  - stop and breath.


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