Friday, September 22, 2017

Today, September 22nd

We are not always driving around Ireland playing tourist.  We probably only go out twice a week on adventures. (always watching the weather)  We stick close to home all the other days.  There is always some domestics to do whether it be grocery shopping – which means hitting 3 different stores (usually we walk).  Doing laundry – we wash our own now in our itty-bitty washing machine, but we have to plan on taking at least 3 days for it to dry on the drying rack (with or with sunshine).

We also make a point to face-to-face chat with family once a week and since some family are on the west coast our timing has to be planned.  Today I was able to chat with my brother & his wife in Washington.  Nancy commented on a statement I had made some time ago about finding comfort in familiarity.  I thought about this today and as I had suspected, we are finding more and more comfort the longer we live here.   Sure, there is still a lot of mysteries and challenges we face on a daily basis, but we can, and do, revert to what we are comfortable with.  Even our new experiences are becoming familiar. I’m not sure our lives will ever be ‘normal’ living here, but we are more used to our surroundings and lifestyle.  The challenge of living here has proven to me that life is change; with change comes growth.  We are doing a pretty damn good job at making THIS life – familiar.

Okay enough philosophical stuff…..

Today’s activity report – we returned to Coosan Point to place our ‘love lock’ on the fence.  Tom and I are now, forever, or until they cut it off, permanently locked together.  (With hundreds of other lovers).  We tossed our keys into the lake, never to be found again.

At the crack of dawn the Military began to set up tents in the park across the Shannon.  Of course, we had to investigate.  Turns out it was an official ceremony for a 6-month deployment.  The 56th Infantry group (156 personnel) going to the UN Disengagement Observation Force in Golan Heights, Israel.   Following all the words and praises from the Defense Minister they marched through downtown and returned to their barracks for a reception with friends and families.

 David Maher

Niall de Buitlear
Tonight, we went to the Laun Gallery across the street from the Athlone Castle.  This is a very small little gallery and it would appear they like to use local artists.  The theme was a reflection of the jealousy wall at Belvedere House. A curator was our guide to help us with the intricate interpretation of the work we were looking at.  Which was a good thing, because otherwise it could have been – okay, I don’t get it. (we’ve had plenty of those moments)

On our walk home, stopped and had a lovely chat with John the lock master and his wife Sharon, who is visiting from Wales.


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