Sunday, July 16, 2017

Art Exhibit in Straffan

Friends are easily made in Ireland, whether in person or on-line.  Sean Curran is such a friend who I met almost a year ago on Face Book (FB). Before we left the states, he asked the opinion of his FB friends if we thought he should retire and solely paint for a living.  “Did we think he could make a go of it?”  After seeing the postings of some of his work on line, everyone agreed.  YES! That is what he’s done and is actively pursuing his passion of painting and selling his works.  Mostly in water colors now, but has painted in other mediums in the past.

We took a short trip to Straffan on the outskirts of Dublin to see his exhibit. Being held at the Straffan Antique and Art Gallery.  The large stone home is privately occupied, but the carriage house and stables have been converted to a wonderful set of shops; gifts, piano’s, antiques, art gallery and tea room.  After viewing Sean’s show we enjoyed a yummy breakfast at the tea room.  We’ve gotten into the wonderful custom of sitting outside in the warm sunshine & fresh air.

So, can now say I have seen his work first hand and in person it’s splendid.  His attention to detail is wonderful.  I would have loved to purchase one of his works, (even a print) but honestly, they are priced a wee bit out of my range.  He had sold quite a few already.

We drove around the village of Straffan and found a “boot sale”.  Basically, this is a yard sale. Items are laid out behind cars with the trunk open (trunk = boot).  It was being held on the grounds of the church.  We did not find any treasures, but did enjoy checking out what was there.