Once over the bridge we notice the bike/walking path. This is the Great Western Greenway and is a favorite among bike enthusiast and for good reason. It’s 42 kilometers (~26 miles) long and for the most part, it’s away from the road, hugging the coast line. Just a couple of places does the path come back onto the road, albeit they have their own lane, but remember these are not wide roads. One of the couples staying at our B&B hired a bike touring company to take them (and their bikes) out to Achill. They drop you and your bike off and then you ride back to Westport.
We had started out searching for the Deserted Village and along the way found wild sheep and vistas to take your breath away. Up and around every corner was another amazing scene with rolling hills, sheep baaing back & forth at each other, the wind blowing, waves crashing – I thought I was going to go nuts with everything to take in at once. I must have jumped out of the car a few dozen times with the many ‘kodak’ moments in every direction. This was very reminiscent of our last trip to Irelands wild Atlantic coast line two years ago. Wowzeers!! At one point two young rams decided to head butt in front of the car, I was so thrilled to be witnessing this I forgot to grab my camera. I was giddy at this point.
There were many sheep grazing in and about the ruins being watched over by a farmer and his dog.
Shep is a one-year old border collie and just learning the ropes (which would put most dogs to shame) the farmer say’s ‘he’ll be a fine herder’. Watching Shep run up and down the mountain moving these sheep around being directed by various whistles was incredible. Those dogs love to run!!
Just beautiful!