Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Hill of Uisneach

They say history began when Christians began to record it.  Hmmm, Oh, I don’t think so.  I believe myths & legends are history passed down by the elders and story tellers for years.  I’m talking way, way back. As we hiked, I learned the grand-daughter of Noah settled Ireland, and that Uisneach is the mythological and sacred center of Ireland.  (Read about more Uisneach history here )

Our guide Marty is a bounty of legend & myth stories – he knows his stuff, he knows this mountain – inside and out. An impressive mountain that sits about 600 feet above sea level that bulges with history, greatness and wonderful rolling hills (and cows). We walk up a steep rocky path to the first location of our tour, The Royal Palace.  I saw impressive rolling hills and magnificent vistas all around.  On closer look, I begin to see the buried stones that outlined the once sacred structures. Ruins that hold nothing more than memories of High Kings that once held court here.  But before that time, this land was the land of Eriu (Earth Goddess) and Lugh (Celtic Sun God).  This is also said to be their burial sites.

As we continued on our walk across open fields, we come to Lough Lugh.  Here Marty tells of the story of Lugh, the Celtic Sun God.  It seemed to be an endless story, told with great animation and enthusiasm.

Continuing upward we come to the top of the mountain.  From here Ireland stretches out in all directions. I imagine on a clear day
we might actually see the ocean. Fantastic views.  Archaeologists say an ancient burial mound is situated here around a stone cairn, or tomb, knows as “St. Patrick's Bed”.  So much history, so many myths, so many legends to talk about when you talk of Uisneach.

Today, as it was hundreds of years ago, a number of celebrations take place here.  Bealtaine is the largest, with dancing, games and fire. The first great fire to be lit in Ireland, on this hill, to signal the end of the dark times. (I’ll put it on the calendar for next year).  Slightly down the east side of this hill preciously sits the ‘naval of Ireland’.  Marty says this is the naval of Eriu, the very center of the earth goddess herself.  These boulders are massive, proud, majestic and very very old.

Naval of Eriu

As we’re concluding our 2-hour walk, Marty is speaking about the spiritual power this mountain holds, the great vibes he feels. I tried to calm myself and feel the vibes but was unable to tune into any sensations.

This was a great walk, very informative and enlightening.